The Snow Canyon Bike Trail Loop

Kova Rentals has published their Snow Canyon Guide, which details leisurely points of interest and activities that can be found along the Snow Canyon Loop, so you can plan your Snow Canyon adventure with confidence. You don’t have to be an experienced mountain biker or expert cyclist to have a great time in St George’s best attraction, so we’ve highlighted those spots around the park that can be enjoyed by everyone!

A man and a woman are riding bicycles on a wooden bridge. A bird graphic indicating a bike ride.

A good Snow Canyon trails cycling experience takes planning, preparation, and the right kind of bike. You can get all three from Kova Rentals. Our team offers extensive knowledge and insight that will benefit you as you explore this beautiful trail.

Snow Canyon Loop Overview

Snow Canyon Loop is a moderately trafficked 18-mile bike trail near Ivins, Utah, inside Snow Canyon State Park that circles through the park, down through Ivins and St George, and comes back up along the canyon’s east rim. 

What to Expect

The first mile or so of this trail is paved, but you can expect gravel after that. You can walk, hike, bike, or even ride horses on this trail. You’ll have to pay for a day pass in the state park, but once you do, you’ll have access to this Snow Canyon bike trail and many other beautiful outlooks and areas in the park. 

If you traverse the entire trail, you’ll go 18 miles with 1,050 feet of vertical gain. The peak altitude is 3,960 feet. There are some sections of trail with steep pitches (particularly the area along Highway-18). Although the extra power you get from an ebike can alleviate some of that burden, beginners should still be prepared to walk just in case. 

Directions to Snow Canyon Loop

If you’re heading south on the freeway: To get to the trail, you’ll take the Bluff Street exit off I-15 in St. George, then turn right onto Bluff Street. Stay on this street until it leaves the city. You should see the start of the trail on the right side of the road. 

If you’re coming from the top of Snow Canyon: Drive straight out of town on Highway 18. When the road turns left at Snow Canyon, park in the small lot south of the road. The road will go about one and a half miles down to mile marker 11. The paved trail starts on your right, across the street from the parking/picnic area that will be on your left. 

What to Pack

The trick to packing on a biking trip is to pack smart. Starting with what you need to bring. You’ll want the following items on your biking trip:

  • Helmet
  • Lights
  • Credit cards/ID
  • Tire flat repair kit
  • Water
  • Food
  • Sunscreen
  • Layers of clothing
  • Cell phone

Plan to pack your essentials on your person, in a backpack, or with bags you can attach to your bike. Depending on how long you stay on the trail, you’ll want at least two water bottles to survive the southern Utah summers.

After packing your “needs,” decide if you have any “wants” you’d like to squeeze in. These could be things like:

  • Cameras
  • Extra snacks
  • Baby wipes
  • Towels

Visit Snow Canyon Loop Trails

Rent an Ebike from Kova Rentals and start planning and preparing for your exciting and fun bike ride on the Snow Canyon bike trail! Contact us today to learn more, check out our FAQs, or to book your rental.
