Rental Add-Ons

Here you'll find details on any add-on rentals that we offer. To book any of these add-ons, click here to start the booking process. The second-to-last step before submitting your booking will be adding any compatible add-ons to the bike(s) you selected.

A blue and black bicycle seat on a white background.

Child Seat

This child seat offers a secure and comfortable ride for your little one, making family ebike adventures safe and fun.


  • 5-point adjustable harness
  • adjustable footrests and straps
  • 40-lb weight limit

This add-on is compatible with

Child Seat

A blue and black bicycle seat on a white background.

This child seat offers a secure and comfortable ride for your little one, making family ebike adventures safe and fun.


  • 5-point adjustable harness
  • adjustable footrests and straps
  • 40-lb weight limit

This add-on is compatible with